
Buy your new Resonation Chinrest today to give your violin or viola a bigger, fuller tone.

Every instrument has a maximum possible tone. Anything that touches the instrument (chinrest, shoulder rest, etc.), and how it touches, will dampen vibration to some degree and take away from the best an instrument can be. And the way traditional chinrests clamp onto the instrument can significantly dampen vibration, literally choking off the best, most beautiful part of your violin or viola’s tone and volume.

My name is Gary Anderson, creator of the new Resonation® Chinrest, designed and twice patented to help any violin or viola vibrate with a noticeably richer, fuller, clearer, more natural sound, as soon as you put it on. It’s not some gimmicky thing that looks weird on your instrument – it looks and feels like a traditional chinrest, because it is a traditional chinrest. The main difference is the new patented Resonation® Chinrest pad system that replaces the traditional thin cork pads, which allows the Resonation® Chinrest to rest on your instrument with less of a dampening effect. This allows your instrument to vibrate more freely, allowing a fuller, more natural sound, helping to take your instrument, and your playing, to the next level.

Of course, all instruments are different so results will vary, but Resonation® Chinrest owners have reported:

  • Richer, fuller, clearer, more responsive tone
  • Wider “sweet spots” on the strings, in terms of intonation
  • Greater dynamic range (softer softs and louder louds, with good tone)
  • Reduction or elimination of “wolf” (false) tones
  • More evenness of tone across strings and in the higher positions
  • More confidence and joy in music making!

The difference may be subtle or it may be more pronounced, and of course it won’t change a student instrument into a Strad, a Strad into a Super-Strad, or an average player into another Heifetz, but why spend thousands on a new instrument or bow, when for less than the cost of a new set of strings you can instantly have a richer, fuller sound with Resonation® Chinrest?

Chinrests styles with the new Resonation® Chinrest pad system are Teka and Dresden (side-mounted), and Guarneri (over the tailpiece mounted), in hand-selected rosewood and ebony. Extensive testing has shown that these two woods offer the best sonic results. In general, rosewood can help bring out a warmer, rounder sound – great for instruments whose sound could use a bit of refinement. Ebony can help bring out a brighter, more direct sound – ideal for instruments that can use a little more “oooomph”.

Please specify if your Resonation® Chinrest is for violin or viola when ordering. Viola chinrests offered are violin-size chinrests with longer barrels (since violists generally have the same size chins as violinists!). If you have a large viola with extra wide ribs (sides), let us know so we can fit you with the correctly sized bracket. Also, larger viola chinrests cups are available on request, and are higher in price. Contact your authorized dealer.

Even if you are used to a certain style of chinrest, pick a style that is most like your current chinrest and give it a shot – what have you got to lose?

Please, give Resonation® Chinrest a try. For less than the price of a new set of strings, what have you got to lose?

Thanks, and joyous music-making to you all!

Gary Anderson
Creator of The Resonation® Chinrest
President and Owner
Coherent Sound Design, LLC
Rancho Cordova, CA USA

A Few Sample Testimonials from Very Happy Resonation® Chinrest Users:

John Sherba,Violinist, Kronos Quartet, San Francisco CA, “…Dear Mr. Anderson, I got both chinrests and put them on my 2 violins. They both were very comfortable. Although neither of the instruments never had any wolf notes to begin with, I did notice that both violins... >>> Read More

Andrew Victor, Violinist, San Rafael CA, “…Gary, Thank you! I must say that I am completely and enthusiastically satisfied with the results on all 4 violins that now sport Resonation Chinrests. If one were going to value instruments on the basis of sound... >>> Read More

Jasim Almusallam, Violinist, Arab Emirates…”Dear Gary, It’s been hard trying to resist writing you since the chinrests arrived last week. I Immediately put them on as soon as the delivery arrived and was like “wow… this Gary really isn’t kidding around about this.”. I personally thank you for the changes you’ve allowed to happen through these chinrests. However, I believe you deserve... >>> Read More

Julia Gao, Violinist, Raleigh NC, …”[feedback from her father] The sound is much more focused... >>> Read More

Lorenz GammaLorenz Gamma, Los Angeles CA. UCLA faculty, violinist Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, first violinist of two-time GRAMMY® Award winning Southwest Chamber Music. “… how very surprised I was to indeed notice a wonderful difference when I put your chinrest on..." >>> Read More

Judith MassJudith Mass, Los Angeles CA. First Violin, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. “… it seemed to focus the sound as well as help my wolf tone. I know just a bit about the wolf tone and know that the placement of your...” >>> Read More

Francis AkosFrancis Akos, Chicago IL. 45 years Assistant Concertmaster, Assistant Concertmaster Emeritus of the Chicago Symphony. “Dear Gary, Thank you for the chinrest. I put it on and I was really astonished! My Bergonzi [violin] sounds at least twice as voluminous as it was..." >>> Read More

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